Writing Daily

This page is currently a work in progress

Writing every day is crucial for an emerging early childhood writer (and all writers!) for several reasons:

  • Skill Development: Writing daily helps to develop writing skills, improve grammar, and expand vocabulary. It allows the writer to practice different styles and techniques, leading to overall improvement.
  • Creativity Boost: Regular writing stimulates creativity. It encourages the writer to think creatively, come up with new ideas, and explore different perspectives through their schema.
  • Discipline and Routine: Writing every day instills discipline and creates a routine. It helps the writer to develop a habit, making it easier to write consistently and develop purpose.
  • Self-Expression: Daily writing provides a platform for self-expression. Self-expression that roots from their experiences and schema. It allows the writer to articulate thoughts, feelings, and experiences, which can be therapeutic and insightful too with SEL in mind.
  • Feedback and Improvement: Writing regularly allows for more opportunities to receive feedback from peers, mentors, or readers. This feedback is invaluable for growth and improvement.
  • Goal Achievement: Consistent writing helps in achieving writing goals, whether it’s writing a sentence, writing a story, writing a summary, or improving writing skills. It keeps the writer motivated and focused on their objectives and purpose.

By writing every day, an emerging early childhood writer can steadily progress and develop their craft, leading to greater confidence and success in their writing journey.

Free Writing on a Topic of Choice
The purpose with Free Writing is it connects to situating learning in the lives of students. This supports student interest and connects with high intellectual performance.

It is recommended to have a brainstorming map (e.g. Circle Map – Thinking Maps® with student ideas that written and/or drawn by the students. Then students can select one of the ideas or a new idea (then have them add the idea to the map).

Writing from Sentence Frames

See the menu link with Sentence Frames. This provides support to students with a framework to guide ideas and their writing.

Writing from Sentence Transformation

See the menu link with Sentence Transformation. Sentence transformation develops fluency and vocabulary AND is an excellent practice with writing. For some students they will fully follow the frame, and others will find it a catylst for ideas to write further with. 

Writing from Visual Maps

This can be a multiple step experience beginning with brainstorming on a particular topic.

  • Free write from brainstorming
  • Organizing paragraphs taking the brainstorming map and then refining with a sequence map, categorical map or relationship map.
  • Opening paragraph using a qualities map to write original ideas from

Reflective Writing



Validating Writers